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- Law Update -


Punjab and Haryana High Court Takes Suo Motu Cognizance after Man's Suicide at Golden Temple

In a shocking incident in the Golden Temple in Amritsar, a man shot himself dead using the firearm of a security officer assigned to a judge. Incidentally, the suicide occurred while the judge was visiting the revered shrine to pay respectsIncident Summary The incident happened inside the premises of the Golden Temple, an important place of religious worship for Sikhs around the globe. According to reports, a man managed to get hold of the weapon of an officer armed with a security guard escorting a judge who was visiting the shrine, and in a tragic twist of destiny, used it to end his life. So far, there had been no case in which the man was identified either by the visiting judge or by the security team. High Court's Suo Motu PIL The Punjab and Haryana High Court did not waste any time. The seriousness of the matter could be gauged by the very fact that this is being dealt with by the judiciary, what with a sitting judge and a weapon belonging to a security officer. The PIL seeks probe into the circumstances leading to the man's suicide, keeping in its focus on the lapses in security that led to this happening in the highly secured and sensitive location of the Golden Temple. The court also wants to go ahead and examine the process carried out by security personnel when accompanying judicial functionaries, like judges and others, so that such a thing will not happen again in the future. This is a fairly significant incident as it concerns both a high-profile religious place and security measures in place for members of the judiciary. Important Issues A few important issues come up from this sad incident: Security Flaws: The first issue that comes to mind is the supposed security breach that allowed an unknown person to have access to a gun. Such an incidence always pushes one to think about the procedure that was followed with regards to the arm and security measures in place. Mental Health Awareness: His reasons for doing so are still unknown, but an incident of this kind puts into focus the present pressing need for mental health care services and suicide prevention programs. Involvement of Judiciary: The indirect link of the judge to the happening very definitely calls for stringent procedures on security arrangements concerning judiciary members in the public realm. .

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AIBE Eligibility Update: Final Semester Law Students Allowed Unenrolled; 9th and 5th Semester Candidates Not Included

Bar Council of India (BCI) has relaxed the no. of students appearing for All India Bar Examination (AIBE). It has, therefore, allowed final semester law students to appear for the AIBE without prior enrollment. The important candidates who can take benefit from this are those law students who are in the final semester of the 5-year LLB course which includes 10th semester law students and those law students who are in the final semester of the 3-year LLB course which includes 6th semester students. This crucial step shall further ease the process for law graduates who are all set to close their academic door, without further delay, to sit for the exam and get ahead in their legal profession. However, it's not the same for those students who would write out their final semester as 9th semester students of the 5 year programme and 5th semester students of the 3 year course are still disallowed from sitting for AIBE. The All India Bar Examination: Its Concept and Importance The AIBE is a qualifying examination made compulsory for every aspiring advocate who aspires to practice legal profession in India. Designed to test the candidate's knowledge and understanding of legal principles at the foundation, they traditionally needed to get enrolled with the State Bar Councils concerned before sitting for the AIBE, thus virtually ensuring that only law graduates or students in their last year of study could apply. However, to make room for the high demand of flexibility and also law students in the last stages of their academic or studies, the BCI deemed it prudent to alter the rules to allow those studying at a final semester stage to be allowed to sit for examination. Key Amendments and Eligibility Under the new rules, students who are currently in their 10th semester of the 5-year integrated LLB course and those in the 6th semester of the 3-year LLB program, can now register for the AIBE even before they finish their degrees or enroll with a State Bar Council. But this relaxation does not affect a student who is in his or her 9th semester from the 5-year course or the 5th semester from the 3-year program. At that time, he or she would be allowed to appear for the AIBE only when he or she reaches his or her final semester or completes his or her degree. Consequences for the Law Student It is positive change in the scenario for students who have only their final semester left as it will allow them to appear for AIBE, along with preparing for which, will accelerate the entry into the field of law. The advantage might be significantly high for already-prepared and keen students, who are eager to reduce waiting time after graduation for the commencement of their practice in law. Whereas, in case all the students of 9th and 5th semester are excluded from appearing for the exam, only those would be left for appearing for the exam who have nearly completed their legal education. In all likelihood, BCI regards this as a step to retain the class and preparedness of candidates appearing for AIBE.

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Delhi High Court Sacks District Judge for Indiscipline: A Case on Judicial Accountability

It is a serious development that the Delhi High Court had recently suspended a district judge from his judicial duties on allegations of indiscipline and misconduct. The judiciary shows, in this instance, the internal machinations it sets in place for judges who fail to ensure strictly adhered to minimum standards of ethics in carrying out their duties. Suspension of a judicial officer, more so at the rank of district judge, reflects the court's zero-tolerance policy on anything that smacks of compromise by persons placed within the judicial system. Background of the Case The repute judge whose name is not known from the public kept identity secret is said to have been involved in actions which were wrongly referred to be against the code of conduct of judicial officers. Delhi High Court has launched an internal inquiry based on complaints that had surfaced regarding the behavior of the judge who was suspected to have resorted to acts of indiscipline that affected the administration of justice. Although details of the allegations will be kept private as they form the crux of current investigations, reports suggest that the behavior of the judge had raised alarms on issues of professionalism, court decorum, and judicial procedure. Allegations of this nature may erode public confidence in this institution since high standards of professional conduct are what make up the backbone of the judicial arm. It is a suspension of a district judge who has been booked to face an inquiry into his conduct. In this period, no judicial functions and duties can be exercised by the judge. The administrative wing of the Delhi High Court is conducting the inquiry. Further disciplinary actions, up to even termination of service, may follow, in case the charges are proved true. Suspensions of this type are very few in the judiciary. Thus, it holds great deal of importance. It tends to show that the judicial process is keen on maintaining transparency and accountability, not even for the members themselves. Legal and Ethical Importance The case underscores not only the necessity and adequacy of judicial accountability mechanisms but also the process in dealing with judicial errancy. Custodians of justice such as judges must necessarily set benchmarks of high ethics. The consequence would be very severe, as is illustrated by this case, once the applicable rules of ethics are breached. More importantly, this suspension strengthens the message that no human being - not even a judge - is higher than the law. The Delhi High Court's move showed its ability to ensure judicial integrity and mete justice with fair and unbiased action. The outcome of this inquiry will further establish the process and procedure in handling such incidents in the future. This incident serves as a reminder on the need for maintaining discipline within the judicial system in order to preserve public trust in the system of law.

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Madras High Court Urges Centre to Implement NCERT Module on Transgender Inclusion

In a landmark progressive step, the Madras High Court recently passed an order to instruct the Central Government to adopt the module of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) into the curriculum of schools with respect to transgender issues. This is being termed a huge step forward to make the cause of the transgender concerning education take forward India's education system as becoming more sensitive and inclusive towards gender diversity.The Case Background The case evolved out of a PIL filed by transgender rights activists for the adoption of the NCERT module on transgender inclusion developed but left unimplemented. The module tries to provide educational institutes with a curriculum which shall teach students about the rights of transgender persons and the challenges they face along with actual experiences so that the very cause of gender sensitivity and inclusivity is inculcated amongst the young minds at an early stage. Although progressive laws and judgments are aplenty, including that of the epochal judgment in 2014 from the Supreme Court in the NALSA case, recognising the rights of transgender people, overall, there remains a lack of understanding and awareness of transgender issues in educational institutions, the petitioners submitted. Education regarding transgender concerns would bring about a friendly society. Madras High Court Observations Observations are the Madras High Court, while listening to the case: Including transgender issues in instructional material was discussed by the Court in the following way: Importance of Sensitization: The Court explicitly emphasized that the awareness and sensitivity building about the transgender community needs to be done essentially at the school levels. It brought education as one method towards changing society's attitude and felt early sensitization on gender diversity was required to be inculcated within a tolerant mindset within students. The Court, while acknowledging the NCERT module on transgender inclusion as an important tool for educating young minds about transgender issues, also recognized guidelines from a module that aims to help teachers and schools understand the role of dealing with issues like gender identity and the struggles of transgender people, along with a general requirement that all genders deserve respect and dignity. Urgency of Implementation The Court further emphasized urgency of implementation regarding the NCERT module. It mentioned that unless the concerns of transgenders were treated urgently, only further marginalization of the community was possible. The High Court asked the Centre to implement the module immediately in schools across India. Ensure that the NCERT module on transgender inclusion starts rolling out immediately in all schools across the country Monitor the rollout of the module into the school curriculum and provide critical feedback on the impact it is likely to make towards crafting an even more sensitively gendered environment. Work with state governments and educational institutions to ensure appropriate training for transgender education material to teachers Impact of the Judgment In fact, the order passed by the Madras High Court is a forward step towards greater incorporation and respect of the transgender community in India. Concerns related to transgender will be introduced in school curriculum; the ruling itself aims at reducing stigma and discrimination among the transgender community. The judgment is bound to have far-reaching implications, not only in altering the content of education, but also that of societal attitudes towards gender diversity. It is a major step towards creating an open environment for successive generations so that transgender persons can be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

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Hire Lawyers Online for Legal Consultation in India

In the digital era today, having access to legal expertise online has become the choice of every being. There is an option to hire legal advisors, advocates or lawyers online for legal consultation in Delhi or NCR, be it individuals or businesses, anyone can easily get legal suggestions for their complex legal matters from the comfort of their homes or workplace. Online legal consultation in India has opened up various opportunities for the clients like getting advice whenever required, problem-solving with efficiency, and cost-effective or pocket friendly solutions accustomed as per your specific needs. Whether seeking help for drafting a deed or contracts, having to resolve disputes, or get rid of compliance issues, online legal consultation services offer a practical and reliable solution which maintains privacy of the client while addressing their legal concerns.

What is the difference between legal advisor and legal consultant?

While the phrases "legal advisor" and "legal consultant" are often used to denote the same thing in the eye of a common man, they have quiet huge distinction between them. A legal advisor usually provides assistance for guidance and support to individuals or businesses even organizations on various legal matters, such as giving insights into potential risks involved like acts which might be forbidden by law, requirements for compliance, and strategic decision-making, for example who should be the power of attorney in absence of the head of the family or business. On the other hand, a legal consultant may offer support that is backed by specialized expertise on particular projects or cases, they provide expert opinions, analysis, and recommend the right thing to do in order to achieve the desired results within a defined scope of work which will be aligned by the laws. Both legal advisor and legal consultant play crucial roles in providing valuable legal assistance, legal consultant is the bigger circle where he could be legal advisor along with being a consultant, on the contrary it is not the same for legal advisor.

Why are Legal Services Important?

Legal services are quite important for a smooth functioning of the justice system as it safeguards the rights, ensures justice, and upholds the rule of law in a civilized society. From drafting of deeds to resolving disputes outside the court room and advocating for justice and what is fair, legal services covers a wide spectrum of things which aims at protecting individual and collective interests of the society. Access to legal services is not only essential for an individual but it is the fundamental right of a person which is given by our constitution under article 21 and as per the DPSP (Directive Principles of State Policy), no one can be denied of the legal representation of he is unable to find a lawyer to represent himself. By giving legal services or even advice, lawyers and advocates contribute to promoting justice, fairness and maintaining stability in a civilized society.

Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer

There are multiple-benefits of hiring a lawyer or having an advocate by your side it not only gives you a strong legal representation in the court room but also outside the court, it gives tremendous support, expertise, and advocacy customer made for an individual’s needs. First of all, lawyers are specialized in the field in which you require legal assistance and have experience in various other legal domains, which help to give you a strategic win and advice for any future acts. Secondly, lawyers will represent in not only inside the court but also outside by being a mediator or a conciliator, and putting forward your contentions and wishes. Additionally, lawyers offer assistance and support throughout the whole legal proceedings, drafting legal documents such a deeds or contracts, while ensuring compliance with applicable laws. Overall, hiring a lawyer will not only benefit you while being in a dispute but also provide you a peace of mind for having a support backed up for you.

- Lawchef FAQ -

Online legal consultation means connecting to an advocate or a legal expert through phone or whatsapp or any medium in relation to internet where you can get the consultancy without visiting the office of the advocate physically. In other words, it is connecting and getting the answers of all your legal queries from highly qualified lawyer and advocate specialized in your legal area of interest. For online legal consultation go to the website of LawChef or reach us through our contact details that is mentioned in the website as well as in our social media like Instagram, Linkedin and facebook page.

Yes, online lawyers and advocates are highly qualified and well experienced in their fields. They are well versed in the fields that you want to question about. The advocate holds degree of law from the reputed law college in India and are a legal practitioner who are well versed with the legal knowledge.

Right to privacy of identity falls under article 21 which guarantee a person that they can keep their identity private in case they do not want to reveal their personal information. We value your identity privacy and understand the need, If, you tell your lawyer that you do not want to share your identity or go public with your identity and explain the reason behind your privacy, he is bound by law to keep your identity private.

Yes, if you choose to revisit LawChef for another online consultation or even opt for another phone call, you will able be talking to the same lawyer you have talked to with previously with a simple request and LawChef will efficiently schedule a call with that same lawyer again, ensuring continuity and consistency in your legal advice experience, so you would not have to repeat yourself to other lawyers and it will be a smoother transaction.

Nowadays everyone is surfing online and we have created a user-friendly portal for our clients as well as customers, it has made the consultation quite friendly and hassle free due to which Online legal consultants or lawyer for online consultation have surged significantly. Moreover, online consultations from a lawyer will provide a private space for both the client and Advocate for discussing their legal matters comfortably and confidentially, which is crucial in a attorney client relationship.

It is not necessary for a legal advisor to be a lawyer, but it is always advisable to have a Lawyer who is well qualified to be your legal advisor.

The main purpose of consulting with a lawyer, whether through online platforms or by visiting the office or chamber, is to obtain comprehensive answers to one's legal queries and receiving sound legal advice. Legal consultation opens various opportunities for the client to choose what would be the the right advice for their legal issue, consulting a lawyer would help you to understand your rights and obligations prescribed by the law, and it will provide you safety measures for your next business idea and how you could protect it. By engaging yourself in legal consultations you will be benefited in several ways whether conducted online or offline, these consultations will help you set up your business and will also get you through a civil or matrimonial dispute, your lawyer will give you solutions that will be handcrafted specifically for your legal trouble.

There are convenient options available for people who are seeking online legal consultation from advocates on LawChef. You can either visit the official website of LawChef, which is a user-friendly platform specially designed to provide and maintain seamless interactions between experienced lawyers as well as attorneys and yourself. Or you can contact LawChef via their official contact number which is available on the website and on Google as well, the phone call will be complimented by giving the first 10 minutes of advice absolutely free during which you can asked whatever legal queries you have the advocate will answer you, this will be followed by minimal charges once the aforementioned time limit is over.

You can talk to advocates through Lawchef where you can directly connect to well experienced advocates in various legal field via the call or website. In addition to this LawChef is providing first 10 minutes free consultancy on call in order to help its customer/client as clients are valuable to us and after the completion of 10 minutes minimal charges will be applicable.

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