A corruption cases against 100-year-old man and his 96-year-old wife dismissed by the Court

A corruption cases against 100-year-old man and his 96-year-old wife dismissed by the Court

In a landmark judgment, the Rajasthan High Court quashed the cases of corruption against a 100-year-old man and his wife aged 96 years, relying upon their old age and health condition for relief. The couple was under a long-standing corruption case filed against them for accepting bribes and misappropriating public money during the man's tenure as public servant.This case history dates back to the 1980s when he was a government official and his wife was charged with being an accomplice in the so-called corrupt practices. Charges against the couple were taking bribes and financial impropriety in terms of public works projects. Through the years, the case was to encounter considerable delay in the judicial process because of a slow procedure of the case along with several legal objections by the defense team of the couple. The centenarian and nonagenarian couple moved the Rajasthan High Court. The charges were sought to be quashed with the added grounds of their advancing age coupled with declining health. It was urged on behalf of the petitioners that persons who have attained such advanced ages should not be put through a protracted trial and that justice would not be served thereby. Defense Counsel argued further that evidence against the couple had depreciated with time because most of the key eye witness is dead, and some of the evidence documents were either destroyed or lost. While pronouncing the judgment, the Rajasthan High Court took into consideration the long pendency of the case and how graver the health conditions of the accused had become. The court understood that charges related to corruption are indeed serious ones and should not be drawn for examination without proper legal measures; however, circumstances did call for a humanitarian consideration. This is in light of which the court held that it would be contrary to the principles of fair justice to force an aged centenarian man and his wife, who happens to be 96 years old, to undergo a trial given their medical condition. It also noted that no urgent public interest has been shown by the prosecution to continue the case when the accused were physically incapable of enduring legal proceedings. Indeed, loss of key evidence and witnesses over the years makes one doubt the probability of a fair trial. Furthermore, the court relies on the established judicial practice that old age and health issues were taken into account while deciding to further procedure of the judicial process. The point suggests without a doubt that in the case of serious impairments of physical or health conditions which are hampering the possibility of participation in judicial proceedings, discretion is exercised in favor of the accused. This decision and the Rajasthan High Court acquitted the charges on the elderly couple. That case, that had dragged on for decades is finally brought to an end. The result shows that the eagerness to strive for justice should be balanced with human sentiments and prudence in cases involving aged and vulnerable parties.

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