The Allahabad High Court has ordered the Agra police to provide protection to a 17th-century hammam near the Taj Mahal. The traditional bathhouse, which is said to be as old as the Mughal era, has been at the risk of encroachment and damage. The court, thus, intervened.The Case Overview It was also for the pursuance of PIL filed by heritage conservation activists who had contended in the court that illegal construction and encroachment were threatening the very existence of the hammam. Such activities, the petitioners said, endangered not just heritage protection but also the cultural and historical worth of the monument. This is the directive issued by the court The Allahabad High Court asked the Agra police to examine the building and guarantee that no more encroachment would be made about the structure. It informed that this hammam shall become a part of Indian great cultural heritage and through the order, it provided directions to the district authority with the ASI in checking the site and it also took appropriate measures with conserving it. This is another aspect of concern to the court since the civic bodies have failed to take initiatives in order to protect heritage sites. They must take appropriate and prompt actions in order to protect monuments of historical importance. Historical Significance of the Hammam The hammam, constructed as mentioned by reports during Mughal reign, functioned as a public bath house and social center at the then times. These were amongst some of the constructions incorporated within Mughal buildings, which depicted efficient engineering skills that were imbibed within the constructions at their times. Hammam comprises sophisticated designs along with domes in the ceiling and ornamented water system, the hallmarks of the best architects of that time period. Matter's and their impacts were addressed: This already met such a significant loss in structural framework of the hammam due to unauthorized construction coupled with negligence by local authority. The petitioners appealed that it was an extreme urgency to protect the place from further damage and at later generations, it shall be appreciated for its worth. Implications of Judgment This would become a precursor to the protection of other sites, lesser known across the country, within India's heritage sites. The judgement of the court also introduces the role that the courts have in the conservation of heritage and thus requires some coordination between the law and order machinery, heritage groups, and the local machinery. With conservation orders starting to come in place, conservationists are upbeat that this intervention will see a renewed interest and appreciation for India's architectural heritage so that the hammam stays around for ages.