The Kolkata rape-murder case has sent shockwaves across the city and the country for its sheer brutality. The victim, a woman in her twenties, was found dead in a thicket with her eyes, neck and face gouged out by what seemed like repeated stabs of such extreme ferocity that it betrayed a savagery that could only have been inflicted by someone who had intended to inflict maximum pain before killing her. The body was discovered in a state that left no one in doubt that before being killed, she had been sexually violated. The autopsy revealed the same facts with some horrid details. It was not long before it became clear that this was not an isolated crime and one recalled similar gory cases of rape-cum-murders in recent times involving victims who had been subjected to particularly sadistic forms of violence. The police placed top priority on identifying the doer as the investigation progressed. To this end, they started by having a close look at the crime scene to gather any clues that might help solve the mystery of who committed the offence. This spanned from forensic evidence as DNA samples to interviews with potential witnesses who might have seen or heard anything on the night of the crime. CCTV footage from surroundings was also checked by the police so as to detect any suspicious movements that may be related to an offence. The public’s response has been overwhelming. Protests and rallies have taken place throughout Kolkata, where supporters are demanding justice for the victim. The incident has quickly sparked a larger conversation throughout India about women’s safety and how to prevent these acts through legislation. Activists and citizens alike are demanding the harshest penalty possible for the perpetrator, hoping it will discourage would-be criminals from following in his steps. The loss of a member of the family victimized Splinter family and they did not let off the hook to the one who caused this predicament. Determinedly, they have cited their views on the current state of females’ securities in the country and advised that more steps should be taken by those in authority to protect such vulnerable people. The family’s grief becomes an echo to many making justice and reform a louder voice. This case has once again brought up the issue of violence against women in India, and how this country is less safe for women compared to some war-torn countries. This brutal incident was a harsh reminder of the perils that women here face, and why we need to confront this reality now.

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