The Court designated DDA's Bad habit Chairperson as the nodal officer to facilitate with different government offices and evacuate unlawful development from the banks of Yamuna. The Delhi high Court as of late requested the Delhi Improvement Specialist (DDA) to expel all infringements and illicit development on the Yamuna riverbank, riverbed, and channels streaming into the waterway.[Shabnam Burney v Union of India and Ors]. the cheif justice Manmohan and justice tushar rao gedela disiganted the vice chairman as the nodal officer to facilitate with the Civil Enterprise of Delhi (MCD), Delhi Police, Delhi Metro and other specialists for expelling the infringement on Yamuna. This is going to be herad by the court on 9th september to examine the courts order. DDA to clear yumana river is flied by Shabnam Burney, prused directions to bring down illegal construction on the Yamuna riverbank. Advocate Sumit Kumar appeared for the petitioner. CGSC Apoorv Kurup with advocates Hussain Taqvi, Nidhi Mittal and Gurjas Narula represented the Union of India. Advocates Arun Birbal and Sanjay Singh appeared for DDA.