Surprisingly, the Police appeared to be unaware of the IPC having gone from 01.07.2024 and the BNS in place," the Court noted. The Karnataka high Court on Friday coordinated the State government to “sensitise” the police to start enrolling violations beneath the recently actualized Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and not beneath the Indian Correctional Code (IPC). Justice M Nagaprasanna issued the course whereas hearing a request recorded by one Geetha, challenging a to begin with data report (FIR) enlisted by the neighborhood police on July 1. The police had booked Geetha and her co-accused beneath a few areas counting Segment 447 and 504 of the IPC that relate to criminal trespassing and aggravating open peace. The applicant claimed that the police had enlisted the FIR as a counter to her having recorded a scorn request against them in the past. Justice Nagaprasanna famous that the FIR enlisted was on July 1 this year, the day the BNS supplanted the IPC. And however, the police had gone on to enlist the case beneath the IPC and not BNS. The Court issued an intervals directive against the police, controlling them from conducting encourage test against the applicant based on the said FIR. It said that the State must sensitise the police to get them to enroll violations from now on, beneath BNS only. “Surprisingly, the Police showed up to be unconscious of the IPC having gone from 01.07.2024 and the BNS in place...Since the wrongdoing is enrolled on 01.07.2024, it should to have been enlisted for the comparing offenses beneath the BNS and not beneath the IPC. In that light, there should be an between times arrange of remain of advance examination in Wrongdoing No.167/2024, qua the applicants, till the following date of hearing and a heading moreover to the State to sensitize all the jurisdictional stations to from this time forward enlist wrongdoings as it were beneath BNS and not IPC,” the Court said.