Recently, the Karnataka High Court held that prima facie, the wife of Atul Subhash abetted to suicide under the provisions of Section 306 Indian Penal Code was made out against her. Such a judgment followed a case filed by her husband's wife before the High Court challenging the very proceedings initiated after her husband met his death, which were, according to the wife, mala fide.The court was to consider the allegations and evidence before it. Such evidence included a suicide note from the deceased. It was argued that it carried the fact that he was mentally harassed and humiliated by the accused, on account of which the deceased had gone to such an extreme extent. It was argued by the prosecution that repeated cruelty and derogatory treatment would form the aspect of instigation that would qualify the requirements of abetment under Section 306 IPC. According to the judgment, abetment implies aiding or inciting suicide with intent. Though bare allegations are not sufficient, this case further gains strong evidence in the form of direct or circumstantial evidence establishing a nexus between the actions committed by the accused and the suicide of the victim. It made a point while dismissing the plea to quash the proceedings that whether the intention is criminal or otherwise and whether the accused's act has caused the death of the deceased are questions of trial. The High Court reemphasized that it should look at the evidence threadbare in deciding whether the accused was guilty or not. This judgment reaffirmed the commitment of the judiciary towards dealing with the issues of mental health and cruelty in relationships and holding responsible the individuals who cause such irreversible harm. The case would now be sent to the trial court for further adjudication.