The Kerala High Court has strongly acted upon the findings presented in the Hema Committee file, which brings to the fore the sexual crimes and exploitation that ladies inside the Malayalam film industry face. Popularly known as Mollywood, the redacted document released on 19 August 2024 has brought on a wave of subject and calls for responsibility. A unmarried-bench case of the Kerala High Court has taken its impetus from a Public Interest Litigation in search of action in opposition to crook prosecution of persons involved in sexual offences, as enumerated inside the record by the Hema Committee. The petitioners submitted that the redacted model of the file released to the public suppressed critical statistics concerning perpetrators of the crimes, for this reason defeating justice to victims. The Kerala High Court has agreed to scrutinise an unredacted reproduction of the Hema Committee file in reaction to the PIL. It is a ruling at the bottom of the Court's commitment to openness and responsibility regarding charges of sexual misbehavior committed by celebrities in the movie industry. Only through sifting through the unredacted record would it be possible to arrive at the true picture regarding the extent of the problem and find the specific criminal action against all those accused. In 2017, following the exploitation of Mollywood girls, the Kerala government had constituted the Hema Commission. A senior judge in the Kerala High Court, Justice Hema, talked to different actors, experts, and other specialists related to the industry. The document recounts the sexual harassment, abuse and violence that girls face at the hands of powerful people in the business. It has emerged, but several pages have been carefully edited. Public outcry fueled difficulty about the authorities's commitment to the rights of women on display. The petitioners argued, at that point, that the redactions had been for defensive powerful human beings from exposure and that bringing all of the contents of the record to light was important if you want to prosecute a case. By consenting to perusing the unredacted record, the Kerala High Court has despatched a sign that it is serious approximately making sure justice to the victims of sexual crimes in Mollywood. The Court's choice might open up for the methods of crook research and prosecution primarily based on the Hema Committee document. The case increases alarm bells for the continuing struggles of ladies within the film industry and urgently points out the want to reform structural systems that guard their protection and dignity. The agreement the court involves in searching over the unredacted file could be watched closely, because it has the ability to set a precedent within the combat in opposition to sexual exploitation within the enjoyment enterprise.