The Madras High Court recently took cognizance of a horrific case of sexual assault which came to light on the Anna University campus. This involved an allegation that a male student assaulted a female student inside the campus of this elite institution, leading to grave concerns about student safety and security in educational premises.Case Details It is said that it had happened at late night when the female student who claimed herself to be alone then has been confronted and assaulted by her fellow student. Later, she informed her friends that she was going to file a formal complaint regarding the happening with the university administration. Such complaint made the university hold internal inquiry along with sending the matter to police for further investigation. Legal and Administrative Response Reported by media and public outcry, the Madras High Court suo motu took cognizance of the matter. It made it amply clear that educational institutions have the duty to provide a safe environment for their students and sought a detailed report from Anna University on the incident and the measures taken thereon. This has also highlighted the role of the Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013. It was asked whether the ICC at the university was functional enough and whether it was redressing such grievances. Security and Support to the Victim The High Court of Appeal mandated the university and other concerned law enforcement agencies to ensure necessary support and counseling by the survivor. It mentioned that the approach to issues of sexual violence should be victim-centered in not further traumatizing the survivor in any process of investigation. Concern for Campus Safety This incident has flared massive outcry among the students, parents, and activists regarding the adequacy of security in university campuses. The Madras High Court has asked Anna University to review its security measures and has directed upgrading those measures with the placement of CCTV cameras at vulnerable points, stepped up patrolling, and sensitization among students and staff at periodical intervals. Greater Aftermaths In these cases, the court intervention reflects a growing realization that strict action should be taken concerning sexual violence in educational institutes. It reminds the judiciary of their responsibility in keeping the institutions responsible and delivering justice to the victims. The case is under investigation, and the court asks for regular updates of the progress in this case; it shows how committed they are to justice and transparency. This tragedy will wake up the universities to give more focus on the safety of their students and build a zero-tolerance policy against sexual violence.