Punjab and Haryana High Court Takes Suo Motu Cognizance after Man's Suicide at Golden Temple

Punjab and Haryana High Court Takes Suo Motu Cognizance after Man's Suicide at Golden Temple

In a shocking incident in the Golden Temple in Amritsar, a man shot himself dead using the firearm of a security officer assigned to a judge. Incidentally, the suicide occurred while the judge was visiting the revered shrine to pay respectsIncident Summary The incident happened inside the premises of the Golden Temple, an important place of religious worship for Sikhs around the globe. According to reports, a man managed to get hold of the weapon of an officer armed with a security guard escorting a judge who was visiting the shrine, and in a tragic twist of destiny, used it to end his life. So far, there had been no case in which the man was identified either by the visiting judge or by the security team. High Court's Suo Motu PIL The Punjab and Haryana High Court did not waste any time. The seriousness of the matter could be gauged by the very fact that this is being dealt with by the judiciary, what with a sitting judge and a weapon belonging to a security officer. The PIL seeks probe into the circumstances leading to the man's suicide, keeping in its focus on the lapses in security that led to this happening in the highly secured and sensitive location of the Golden Temple. The court also wants to go ahead and examine the process carried out by security personnel when accompanying judicial functionaries, like judges and others, so that such a thing will not happen again in the future. This is a fairly significant incident as it concerns both a high-profile religious place and security measures in place for members of the judiciary. Important Issues A few important issues come up from this sad incident: Security Flaws: The first issue that comes to mind is the supposed security breach that allowed an unknown person to have access to a gun. Such an incidence always pushes one to think about the procedure that was followed with regards to the arm and security measures in place. Mental Health Awareness: His reasons for doing so are still unknown, but an incident of this kind puts into focus the present pressing need for mental health care services and suicide prevention programs. Involvement of Judiciary: The indirect link of the judge to the happening very definitely calls for stringent procedures on security arrangements concerning judiciary members in the public realm. .

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